This is the main class used to create/edit annotations (highlights). It need to be used with a PS2Viewer and PS2AnnotationViewer.
Name | Definition | Description |
PS2AnnotationEditor | PS2AnnotationEditor(PS2Viewer, PS2AnnotationViewer, containerElement:node) | Initialize a new instance of the PS2AnnotationEditor class. |
Name | Return value | Description |
addEventListener(eventName, callback) | None | Register the provided callback to the specified event. |
dispose() | None | Deletes the editor object and releases any associated resources. (TODO: implement this) |
getInternal() | PS.Packet.Annotation.Editor | Return the internal PS.Packet.Annotation.Editor object (use with caution!). |
removeEventListener(eventName, callback) | None | Remove the callback previously registered with addEventListener. |
Name | Arguments | Description |
annotation-created | Annotation, thumbInfo, callback | Occurs when an annotation is created. You need to fire the callback: callback(isSaved, dbid). First argument is true when the annotation was successfully saved in the storage. And the second argument is the databased unique ID of the annotation in the storage. |
annotation-edited | Annotation, thumbInfo, callback | Occurs when an annotation is edited. (parameter are identical as annotation-created event). |
annotation-delete | Annotation, callback | Occurs when an annotation is about to be deleted. You need to fire the callback: callback(needToBeDeleted). First argument is a boolean indicating if the annotation needs to be deleted (result of confirm dialog box). |
cancel | None | Occurs when the user cancel. |
synth-connection-requested | request, dbid | Experimental. |
visibility-change | visible | Internal usage. Inform whether the editor is visible or not. |
var _container = document.getElementById("viewer-container");
var _viewer = new Photosynth.PS2Viewer(_container, {
pathToWorker: "js/PS2PacketPlayer.worker.min.js"
//TODO: add code snipet... (you can check the code in ps-player-sdk-highlight.html)