
This is the main class used to display annotations (highlights). It need to be used with a PS2Viewer.


Name Definition Description
PS2AnnotationViewer PS2AnnotationViewer(PS2Viewer, options?: PS2AnnotationViewerOptions) Initialize a new instance of the PS2AnnotationViewer class.


Name Return value Description
addEventListener(eventName, callback) None Register the provided callback to the specified event.
clear() None Remove all annotations from the viewer.
dispose() None Deletes the viewer object and releases any associated resources. (TODO: implement this)
getInternal() PS.Packet.Annotation.Viewer Return the internal PS.Packet.Annotation.Viewer object (use with caution!).
load(annotations) None Load the provided annotations in the viewer (it's not clearing first, thus the default behavior is to append).
removeEventListener(eventName, callback) None Remove the callback previously registered with addEventListener.


Name Arguments Description
init PS2AnnotationViewer Occurs when the associated PS2Viewer is built (= the first time the PS2Viewer load a dataset)
annotation-click Annotation, restingCamera Occurs when the user click on annotation. You can return false to prevent the default zoomToAnnotation behavior.
annotation-edit Annotation, tx, ty Occurs when the user click on the edit button on an annotation (the editEnabled option of the constructor need to be true).
annotation-delete Annotation Occurs when the user click on the delete button on an annotation (the editEnabled option of the constructor need to be true).
edit-annotation-move Annotation, tx, ty Internal usage.


Minimal setup:

var _container = document.getElementById("viewer-container");

var _viewer = new Photosynth.PS2Viewer(_container, {
	pathToWorker: "js/PS2PacketPlayer.worker.min.js"

//TODO: add code snipet... (you can check the code in ps-player-sdk-highlight.html)