
This is the main class used to display a ps2 synth.


Name Definition Description
PS2Viewer PS2Viewer(containerElement:node, options?: PS2ViewerOptions) Initialize a new instance of PS2Viewer class.


Name Return value Description
addEventListener(eventName, callback) None Register the provided callback to the specified event.
blur() None Removes focus from the viewer so that it does not respond to keyboard events.
dispose() None Deletes the viewer object and releases any associated resources. (Sadly it's leaking if the hidden 42 menu has been invoked: dat.gui needs to be fixed.)
focus() None Applies focus to the viewer so that it responds to keyboard events.
getCameraMode() PS.Packet.ViewMode Return the current camera mode of the player from the PS.Packet.ViewMode enum. (Smooth=0, Linear=1, Global=2)
getInternal() PS.Packet.Player Return the internal PS.Packet.Player object (use with caution!).
goHomeZoom() None If the viewer is zoomed into a seadragon image it will zoom back to the 'home' level.
gotoCamera(camera, options) None Move the viewer to the specified camera on the path. You can provide 2 options: onComplete callback or speedFactor number.
isHomeZoom() boolean Return if the seadragon viewer is at the home zoom level.
isPlaying() boolean Return if the viewer is animating (=if the user has pressed the play button, it's also true if autoStart=true)
load(url) None Load the synth from the provided url (could be local or remote) into the viewer.
loadGuid(guid) None Load the synth hosted on
play(direction) None Start playing the synth (direction could be null or 1 or -1, null = respect last dragging direction, and 1 or -1 are used to define the default or reverse way)
preload(url, onPreloaded) None Start preloading a dataset. The onPreloaded callback is fired when the dataset is preloaded with the dataset as first argument. (see example bellow).
removeEventListener(eventName, callback) None Remove the callback previously registered with addEventListener.
resize(width, height, mode) None Resize the viewer to the specified size. mode is a PS.Packet.ResizeMode enum:
0=Fast = css scaling only
1=Slow = resize the webgl renderer too
setActiveDataset(dataset) None Change the current active dataset (swap the dataset being viewed).
setAnimationSpeed(speed) None Change the animation speed.
setCameraMode(mode) None Change the camera mode (mode is a PS.Packet.ViewMode enum: Smooth=0, Linear=1, Global=2)
setPosition(qIndex) None Manually change the position on the path (qIndex = number from 0 to dataset.path.nbPoints)
stop(onStopped) None Stop the animation of the viewer. There is a tween to stop the motion, so the optionnal onStopped callback is fired when the viewer is actually stopped.
togglePlay(options) None Toggle the playing status of the viewer (between play/stop). The options object contains the direction and onStopped property with same meaning as in play and stop function.


Name Arguments Description
animation-start None Occurs when the viewer start animating.
animation-stop None Occurs when the viewer stop animating.
annotate Internal usage. Occurs when the user click on the annotate button.
camera-changed camera, sIndex Occurs when the viewer resting camera is changed. (First argument is a PS.Packet.Camera, Second argument is the sIndex of that camera)
camera-mode-changed mode Occurs when the camera mode of the viewer is changed. (mode = PS.Packet.ViewMode enum)
cameras-changed sIndexA, sIndexB Occurs when the pair of camera surrounding the virtual camera is changed. This will occur while dragging on the path
container-transformed Internal usage
dataset-loaded dataset Occurs when the minimal amount of data needed to render a dataset has been loaded and parsed. dataset is a PS.Packet.Dataset object.
dataset-rendered dataset Occurs when the dataset is rendered (=when the webgl renderer is rendering it). dataset is a PS.Packet.Dataset object.
enter-fullscreen None Occurs when entering fullscreen mode
exit-fullscreen None Occurs when exiting fullscreen mode
geometry-loaded None Occurs when all geometry of the synth have been loaded (the viewer has reach 100% and will start animating at this stage if autoStart=true and if the user hasn't interacted with the synth before this stage)
imagery-loaded None Occurs when all HD imagery of the synth have been loaded (this will happen after geometry-loaded)
pose-changed None Internal usage (trigger when the viewer is snapping to a resting frame)
position-changed qIndex Occurs when the viewer is moving. The position can be off. You can fix it by calling dataset.path.fixRange(qIndex).
resize resizeState, resizeMode Occurs when the viewer is resized.
seadragon-resize Internal usage
viewer-built None Fired when the viewer DOM is created.
viewer-updated None Fired when the viewer DOM is changed (due to a call to .load() and for the intial loading).
zoom-level-changed isHomeZoom Occurs when the viewer start to zoom into a seadragon image or when it comes back to the home zoom level.


Minimal setup:

var _container = document.getElementById("viewer-container");

var _viewer = new Photosynth.PS2Viewer(_container, {
	pathToWorker: "js/PS2PacketPlayer.worker.min.js"

Loading mechanism:


var _guid = "676195e2-64ca-43f5-80ba-a7cb7b10e3aa";

//loadGuid is ...

//... a shortcut for:
PS.API.getPS2Url(_guid, function(url) {
	if (url) {
		_viewer.preload(url, function(dataset) {
	else {
		//not a valid ps2 guid

Navigating on the synth only once:

var _guid = "676195e2-64ca-43f5-80ba-a7cb7b10e3aa";

var _firstCamera;
var _lastCamera;

var _viewer = new Photosynth.PS2Viewer(_container, {
	pathToWorker: "js/PS2PacketPlayer.worker.min.js",
	autoStart: false

_viewer.addEventListener("dataset-loaded", function(dataset) {
	var cameras = dataset.cameras;
	_firstCamera = cameras[0];
	_lastCamera = cameras[cameras.length-1];

_viewer.addEventListener("geometry-loaded", function() {
	_viewer.gotoCamera(_firstCamera, {
		onComplete: function() {
